Thanks for downloading my color scheme called "X-Mac". X-Mac is based on the Motif style of windows under X-Windows found on a UNIX/LINUX system. Formally known as Ultimate X-Windows, I decided to change the name, re-do the entire scheme, and re-release it!
This is as close as I could get it within the confines of'd be hard pressed to find a better X-Windows like scheme out there. The reason I used a teal and black color is that it was VERY popular in the first version of Ultimate X-Windows.
The scroll bar thumbs have now been fixed in Version 1.1
I've used the default Kaleidoscope icons for a reason....I like them...and it gives the scheme a MAC flavor....
This scheme is TOTALLY cost whatsoever. Aren't I a nice guy?!?!? : - ) I would appreciate some e-mail, but you don't have to if you don't want to.
Make sure you use this scheme with 256 colors or higher. 16 colors might work okay, but anything less will be awful. The B/W version is very bad, and I have no intention of fixing this (who uses B/W anyways?).
All updates for this scheme will be posted to Info-Mac, and any other place that carries my scheme. You can also get updates from my web site: